Tuesday, November 18, 2008


phew now left 4 more subject...through this exam I know one thing which is in the world have no second chance once over means over....my exam was haizz...let do it one by one

11/11-BM1=>haiz I think I am the onli one in Malaysia wrote the sukan I am too careless don't read question propely haiz now cry also
bo tears la

BM2=>for this okok onli but the komsas tht part damn hard man..

12/11-BI1=>this time smart jor I read the question propely and I wrote the examination at first was thinking to write perfect wife which I can write slot of things about her but still I think no point also even I write how good also she can't see and her onli examiner can see so wat for write

BI2=>this was easy man those short stories and poem came out was the one I most pro wan damn happy the 2 is sound machine and IF. when I see the novel more happy cox onli my tips kena which is ending damn happy

13/11-MM1=>haiz I made some careless for wat I predict I might have 6 wrong onli

MM2=>this is easy baby...

17/11-SC1=>paper was not too tough and is ok wat I read all came out

SC2=>this also same not too tough the essay part I do it before d hahaz...

18/11 R.I.P-add math1=>paper is ok ok lo compare to paper 2

add math2=>damn hard la.....zzz

and now I still have my Chinese ekomomi account and physic the it will be over baby...hahaz dun know wat will happen after tht le..?

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